We currently have spaces available in Years 4 & 5. Our school features a 20m indoor heated pool, offering weekly swimming lessons for pupils. We provide full wraparound care on-site and offer approximately 20 extra-curricular clubs each term. If you would like to visit the school, please contact us.

Welcome to our school website!

At our school each child is valued and their unique set of skills and talents developed so that they can ‘be the best that they can be’. Our belief is that learning should be exciting and engaging. We want every child to leave our school ready for the next stage in their education and with a real appetite for learning.

We have high aspirations for every child that attends our school and a strong track record of achieving academic success. Equally, we ensure children at Bishop’s Waltham Junior are able to explore their full range of talents and interests.

Alongside a stimulating and varied curriculum, we offer a range of sporting, musical and artistic enrichment activities including successful sports clubs, drama productions and music concerts.

We place great emphasis on developing children’s personal skills and believe in the importance of developing kind, caring and respectful individuals. Behaviour in our school is very good and we offer children high quality care and pastoral support. We have strong systems in place to support children with additional learning needs and have a fully qualified Special Needs Co-ordinator on the staff team.

I am incredibly proud to be the Headteacher of Bishop’s Waltham Junior School and of the children and staff who contribute so much to the life of the school.

If you would like to find out more about the school or to arrange a visit please do not hesitate to contact us.

Darren Campbell


A place where excellence, effort and happiness are valued in equal measure.   

Latest News

Friday 28th March 2025 - Year 6 Update
28/03/2025 11:17 AM
Friday 28th March 2025 - Year 6 Update

Year 6 have worked hard this week, completing their final round of SATS papers before the real ones in May. We’ve been delighted with their progress and the positive attitude they’ve shown. With 18 teaching days left, we’ll focus on filling final gaps before the SPAG paper.


Of course, there’s more to school than SATS! This week, pupils wrote non-chronological reports on the hydra from Heracles, wrapped up their Ancient Greece topic, and learned 70s disco moves. The highlight, though, has been bread baking! Photos are on Facebook, and tonight, the children will proudly bring home their creative bread rolls—whatever the shape, colour, or flavour!


Enjoy your weekend.

Y5&6 Swimming Gala - Wildern School
27/03/2025 1:00 PM
Y5&6 Swimming Gala - Wildern School

On Friday 21st March, a team of 8 talented swimmers from Years 5 & 6 competed in the South Eastleigh and Winchester Y5&6 Swimming Gala at Wildern School. Each swimmer gave their all, competing in a mix of individual races and relays across all strokes.


Despite strong competition—including Hampshire County swimmers in several schools—our team was unstoppable, securing 1st place by over 50 points ahead of the runners-up! 


An absolutely incredible achievement—huge congratulations to our swimmers for their dedication, teamwork, and outstanding performances!

Swim Squad Success - Hampshire Relays
24/03/2025 1:30 PM
Swim Squad Success - Hampshire Relays
Huge Congratulations to Bishop's Waltham Junior School Swim Squad! 
What an incredible performance from our swimmers at last week's Hampshire Swimming Relay Championships! You should all be so proud of your achievements!
Gold Medal Winners:
Girls' A Team – Freestyle & Medley
Boys' Team – Freestyle & Medley
Silver Medal Winners:
Girls' B Team – Freestyle
The Girls' B Team also finished a fantastic 5th place in the medley relay. While two of our swimmers only competed in the medley and missed out on medals, they handled it brilliantly—well done!
As Swim Coach, I couldn’t be prouder of how well our teams performed. I had high expectations for the Girls' A Team, and they were absolutely masterful in their swims. I wasn’t sure how the Boys’ Team and Girls’ B Team would fare, but they completely exceeded expectations—what a fantastic result!
A huge thank you to our dedicated team on poolside:
  • Sally Burrows & Hannah Berrow – for supporting our swimmers so well.
  • Julie Loosemore & Mrs Lovett (Rhys's mum) – for their fantastic work as timekeepers.
  • Richard Hill – for securing our brilliant team of 12 volunteer officials, including referees, judges, and starters.
  • Paul (my son!) – our IT guru, who handled all the programmes and paperwork.
  • Gen Marsh – for assisting with school registrations and supporting Paul.
And of course, a massive well done to every swimmer who represented Bishop’s Waltham Junior School so brilliantly! You were all absolutely amazing! 
Gill Cooper – Swim Coach
Friday 28th March 2025 – Year 4
28/03/2025 3:15 PM
Friday 28th March 2025 – Year 4

As we come to the end of the term, there’s no slowing up in Year 4!



This week we concluded our King Alfred investigation. After researching many events in his life, as a year group we decided that he was often more lucky than great! One activity that informed this decision is called ‘Living graph’. As a year group we read out events from Alfred’s life and decided whether it was just an event, or something that made him great or lucky. See the pictures from the activity. We wrapped up the unit with the ‘Don’t over pay the engraver’ activity. In this, children had just 50 words to sum up what they felt about Alfred.



We continue investigate plants in Science. From the parts of plants, how they pollinate and the ideal conditions for growing seeds, the year group have enjoyed recapping their knowledge on this fascinating subject.



Although not on the curriculum (but it should be!), bird spotting has been catching the imagination of Jackalberry. With a feeder outside the class we’ve been visited by many different species and the obligatory squirrel! Highlights include a pair of robins. Nuthatches and a Redwing which we assume is on its long journey back to Scandinavia.


As always, thank you for your support, make sure you ask your child what they’ve been learning about and enjoy the Easter holidays.


Thank you!











Friday 28th March 2025 - Year 6 Update
28/03/2025 11:17 AM
Friday 28th March 2025 - Year 6 Update

Year 6 have worked hard this week, completing their final round of SATS papers before the real ones in May. We’ve been delighted with their progress and the positive attitude they’ve shown. With 18 teaching days left, we’ll focus on filling final gaps before the SPAG paper.


Of course, there’s more to school than SATS! This week, pupils wrote non-chronological reports on the hydra from Heracles, wrapped up their Ancient Greece topic, and learned 70s disco moves. The highlight, though, has been bread baking! Photos are on Facebook, and tonight, the children will proudly bring home their creative bread rolls—whatever the shape, colour, or flavour!


Enjoy your weekend.

Y5&6 Swimming Gala - Wildern School
27/03/2025 1:00 PM
Y5&6 Swimming Gala - Wildern School

On Friday 21st March, a team of 8 talented swimmers from Years 5 & 6 competed in the South Eastleigh and Winchester Y5&6 Swimming Gala at Wildern School. Each swimmer gave their all, competing in a mix of individual races and relays across all strokes.


Despite strong competition—including Hampshire County swimmers in several schools—our team was unstoppable, securing 1st place by over 50 points ahead of the runners-up! 


An absolutely incredible achievement—huge congratulations to our swimmers for their dedication, teamwork, and outstanding performances!

Swim Squad Success - Hampshire Relays
24/03/2025 1:30 PM
Swim Squad Success - Hampshire Relays
Huge Congratulations to Bishop's Waltham Junior School Swim Squad! 
What an incredible performance from our swimmers at last week's Hampshire Swimming Relay Championships! You should all be so proud of your achievements!
Gold Medal Winners:
Girls' A Team – Freestyle & Medley
Boys' Team – Freestyle & Medley
Silver Medal Winners:
Girls' B Team – Freestyle
The Girls' B Team also finished a fantastic 5th place in the medley relay. While two of our swimmers only competed in the medley and missed out on medals, they handled it brilliantly—well done!
As Swim Coach, I couldn’t be prouder of how well our teams performed. I had high expectations for the Girls' A Team, and they were absolutely masterful in their swims. I wasn’t sure how the Boys’ Team and Girls’ B Team would fare, but they completely exceeded expectations—what a fantastic result!
A huge thank you to our dedicated team on poolside:
  • Sally Burrows & Hannah Berrow – for supporting our swimmers so well.
  • Julie Loosemore & Mrs Lovett (Rhys's mum) – for their fantastic work as timekeepers.
  • Richard Hill – for securing our brilliant team of 12 volunteer officials, including referees, judges, and starters.
  • Paul (my son!) – our IT guru, who handled all the programmes and paperwork.
  • Gen Marsh – for assisting with school registrations and supporting Paul.
And of course, a massive well done to every swimmer who represented Bishop’s Waltham Junior School so brilliantly! You were all absolutely amazing! 
Gill Cooper – Swim Coach
Friday 28th March 2025 – Year 4
28/03/2025 3:15 PM
Friday 28th March 2025 – Year 4

As we come to the end of the term, there’s no slowing up in Year 4!



This week we concluded our King Alfred investigation. After researching many events in his life, as a year group we decided that he was often more lucky than great! One activity that informed this decision is called ‘Living graph’. As a year group we read out events from Alfred’s life and decided whether it was just an event, or something that made him great or lucky. See the pictures from the activity. We wrapped up the unit with the ‘Don’t over pay the engraver’ activity. In this, children had just 50 words to sum up what they felt about Alfred.



We continue investigate plants in Science. From the parts of plants, how they pollinate and the ideal conditions for growing seeds, the year group have enjoyed recapping their knowledge on this fascinating subject.



Although not on the curriculum (but it should be!), bird spotting has been catching the imagination of Jackalberry. With a feeder outside the class we’ve been visited by many different species and the obligatory squirrel! Highlights include a pair of robins. Nuthatches and a Redwing which we assume is on its long journey back to Scandinavia.


As always, thank you for your support, make sure you ask your child what they’ve been learning about and enjoy the Easter holidays.


Thank you!











Friday 28th March 2025 - Year 6 Update
28/03/2025 11:17 AM
Friday 28th March 2025 - Year 6 Update

Year 6 have worked hard this week, completing their final round of SATS papers before the real ones in May. We’ve been delighted with their progress and the positive attitude they’ve shown. With 18 teaching days left, we’ll focus on filling final gaps before the SPAG paper.


Of course, there’s more to school than SATS! This week, pupils wrote non-chronological reports on the hydra from Heracles, wrapped up their Ancient Greece topic, and learned 70s disco moves. The highlight, though, has been bread baking! Photos are on Facebook, and tonight, the children will proudly bring home their creative bread rolls—whatever the shape, colour, or flavour!


Enjoy your weekend.

Y5&6 Swimming Gala - Wildern School
27/03/2025 1:00 PM
Y5&6 Swimming Gala - Wildern School

On Friday 21st March, a team of 8 talented swimmers from Years 5 & 6 competed in the South Eastleigh and Winchester Y5&6 Swimming Gala at Wildern School. Each swimmer gave their all, competing in a mix of individual races and relays across all strokes.


Despite strong competition—including Hampshire County swimmers in several schools—our team was unstoppable, securing 1st place by over 50 points ahead of the runners-up! 


An absolutely incredible achievement—huge congratulations to our swimmers for their dedication, teamwork, and outstanding performances!

School Calendar
Family Information and Services Hub
Hampshire SEND Local Offer
Hampshire CAHMS
Health Advice (For Parents)

We currently have spaces available in Years 4 & 5. Our school features a 20m indoor heated pool, offering weekly swimming lessons for pupils. We provide full wraparound care on-site and offer approximately 20 extra-curricular clubs each term. If you would like to visit the school, please contact us.

Welcome to our school website!

At our school each child is valued and their unique set of skills and talents developed so that they can ‘be the best that they can be’. Our belief is that learning should be exciting and engaging. We want every child to leave our school ready for the next stage in their education and with a real appetite for learning.

We have high aspirations for every child that attends our school and a strong track record of achieving academic success. Equally, we ensure children at Bishop’s Waltham Junior are able to explore their full range of talents and interests.

Alongside a stimulating and varied curriculum, we offer a range of sporting, musical and artistic enrichment activities including successful sports clubs, drama productions and music concerts.

We place great emphasis on developing children’s personal skills and believe in the importance of developing kind, caring and respectful individuals. Behaviour in our school is very good and we offer children high quality care and pastoral support. We have strong systems in place to support children with additional learning needs and have a fully qualified Special Needs Co-ordinator on the staff team.

I am incredibly proud to be the Headteacher of Bishop’s Waltham Junior School and of the children and staff who contribute so much to the life of the school.

If you would like to find out more about the school or to arrange a visit please do not hesitate to contact us.

Darren Campbell


A place where excellence, effort and happiness are valued in equal measure.   

Latest News

Friday 28th March 2025 - Year 6 Update
28/03/2025 11:17 AM
Friday 28th March 2025 - Year 6 Update

Year 6 have worked hard this week, completing their final round of SATS papers before the real ones in May. We’ve been delighted with their progress and the positive attitude they’ve shown. With 18 teaching days left, we’ll focus on filling final gaps before the SPAG paper.


Of course, there’s more to school than SATS! This week, pupils wrote non-chronological reports on the hydra from Heracles, wrapped up their Ancient Greece topic, and learned 70s disco moves. The highlight, though, has been bread baking! Photos are on Facebook, and tonight, the children will proudly bring home their creative bread rolls—whatever the shape, colour, or flavour!


Enjoy your weekend.

Y5&6 Swimming Gala - Wildern School
27/03/2025 1:00 PM
Y5&6 Swimming Gala - Wildern School

On Friday 21st March, a team of 8 talented swimmers from Years 5 & 6 competed in the South Eastleigh and Winchester Y5&6 Swimming Gala at Wildern School. Each swimmer gave their all, competing in a mix of individual races and relays across all strokes.


Despite strong competition—including Hampshire County swimmers in several schools—our team was unstoppable, securing 1st place by over 50 points ahead of the runners-up! 


An absolutely incredible achievement—huge congratulations to our swimmers for their dedication, teamwork, and outstanding performances!

Swim Squad Success - Hampshire Relays
24/03/2025 1:30 PM
Swim Squad Success - Hampshire Relays
Huge Congratulations to Bishop's Waltham Junior School Swim Squad! 
What an incredible performance from our swimmers at last week's Hampshire Swimming Relay Championships! You should all be so proud of your achievements!
Gold Medal Winners:
Girls' A Team – Freestyle & Medley
Boys' Team – Freestyle & Medley
Silver Medal Winners:
Girls' B Team – Freestyle
The Girls' B Team also finished a fantastic 5th place in the medley relay. While two of our swimmers only competed in the medley and missed out on medals, they handled it brilliantly—well done!
As Swim Coach, I couldn’t be prouder of how well our teams performed. I had high expectations for the Girls' A Team, and they were absolutely masterful in their swims. I wasn’t sure how the Boys’ Team and Girls’ B Team would fare, but they completely exceeded expectations—what a fantastic result!
A huge thank you to our dedicated team on poolside:
  • Sally Burrows & Hannah Berrow – for supporting our swimmers so well.
  • Julie Loosemore & Mrs Lovett (Rhys's mum) – for their fantastic work as timekeepers.
  • Richard Hill – for securing our brilliant team of 12 volunteer officials, including referees, judges, and starters.
  • Paul (my son!) – our IT guru, who handled all the programmes and paperwork.
  • Gen Marsh – for assisting with school registrations and supporting Paul.
And of course, a massive well done to every swimmer who represented Bishop’s Waltham Junior School so brilliantly! You were all absolutely amazing! 
Gill Cooper – Swim Coach
Friday 28th March 2025 – Year 4
28/03/2025 3:15 PM
Friday 28th March 2025 – Year 4

As we come to the end of the term, there’s no slowing up in Year 4!



This week we concluded our King Alfred investigation. After researching many events in his life, as a year group we decided that he was often more lucky than great! One activity that informed this decision is called ‘Living graph’. As a year group we read out events from Alfred’s life and decided whether it was just an event, or something that made him great or lucky. See the pictures from the activity. We wrapped up the unit with the ‘Don’t over pay the engraver’ activity. In this, children had just 50 words to sum up what they felt about Alfred.



We continue investigate plants in Science. From the parts of plants, how they pollinate and the ideal conditions for growing seeds, the year group have enjoyed recapping their knowledge on this fascinating subject.



Although not on the curriculum (but it should be!), bird spotting has been catching the imagination of Jackalberry. With a feeder outside the class we’ve been visited by many different species and the obligatory squirrel! Highlights include a pair of robins. Nuthatches and a Redwing which we assume is on its long journey back to Scandinavia.


As always, thank you for your support, make sure you ask your child what they’ve been learning about and enjoy the Easter holidays.


Thank you!











Friday 28th March 2025 - Year 6 Update
28/03/2025 11:17 AM
Friday 28th March 2025 - Year 6 Update

Year 6 have worked hard this week, completing their final round of SATS papers before the real ones in May. We’ve been delighted with their progress and the positive attitude they’ve shown. With 18 teaching days left, we’ll focus on filling final gaps before the SPAG paper.


Of course, there’s more to school than SATS! This week, pupils wrote non-chronological reports on the hydra from Heracles, wrapped up their Ancient Greece topic, and learned 70s disco moves. The highlight, though, has been bread baking! Photos are on Facebook, and tonight, the children will proudly bring home their creative bread rolls—whatever the shape, colour, or flavour!


Enjoy your weekend.

Y5&6 Swimming Gala - Wildern School
27/03/2025 1:00 PM
Y5&6 Swimming Gala - Wildern School

On Friday 21st March, a team of 8 talented swimmers from Years 5 & 6 competed in the South Eastleigh and Winchester Y5&6 Swimming Gala at Wildern School. Each swimmer gave their all, competing in a mix of individual races and relays across all strokes.


Despite strong competition—including Hampshire County swimmers in several schools—our team was unstoppable, securing 1st place by over 50 points ahead of the runners-up! 


An absolutely incredible achievement—huge congratulations to our swimmers for their dedication, teamwork, and outstanding performances!

Swim Squad Success - Hampshire Relays
24/03/2025 1:30 PM
Swim Squad Success - Hampshire Relays
Huge Congratulations to Bishop's Waltham Junior School Swim Squad! 
What an incredible performance from our swimmers at last week's Hampshire Swimming Relay Championships! You should all be so proud of your achievements!
Gold Medal Winners:
Girls' A Team – Freestyle & Medley
Boys' Team – Freestyle & Medley
Silver Medal Winners:
Girls' B Team – Freestyle
The Girls' B Team also finished a fantastic 5th place in the medley relay. While two of our swimmers only competed in the medley and missed out on medals, they handled it brilliantly—well done!
As Swim Coach, I couldn’t be prouder of how well our teams performed. I had high expectations for the Girls' A Team, and they were absolutely masterful in their swims. I wasn’t sure how the Boys’ Team and Girls’ B Team would fare, but they completely exceeded expectations—what a fantastic result!
A huge thank you to our dedicated team on poolside:
  • Sally Burrows & Hannah Berrow – for supporting our swimmers so well.
  • Julie Loosemore & Mrs Lovett (Rhys's mum) – for their fantastic work as timekeepers.
  • Richard Hill – for securing our brilliant team of 12 volunteer officials, including referees, judges, and starters.
  • Paul (my son!) – our IT guru, who handled all the programmes and paperwork.
  • Gen Marsh – for assisting with school registrations and supporting Paul.
And of course, a massive well done to every swimmer who represented Bishop’s Waltham Junior School so brilliantly! You were all absolutely amazing! 
Gill Cooper – Swim Coach
Friday 28th March 2025 – Year 4
28/03/2025 3:15 PM
Friday 28th March 2025 – Year 4

As we come to the end of the term, there’s no slowing up in Year 4!



This week we concluded our King Alfred investigation. After researching many events in his life, as a year group we decided that he was often more lucky than great! One activity that informed this decision is called ‘Living graph’. As a year group we read out events from Alfred’s life and decided whether it was just an event, or something that made him great or lucky. See the pictures from the activity. We wrapped up the unit with the ‘Don’t over pay the engraver’ activity. In this, children had just 50 words to sum up what they felt about Alfred.



We continue investigate plants in Science. From the parts of plants, how they pollinate and the ideal conditions for growing seeds, the year group have enjoyed recapping their knowledge on this fascinating subject.



Although not on the curriculum (but it should be!), bird spotting has been catching the imagination of Jackalberry. With a feeder outside the class we’ve been visited by many different species and the obligatory squirrel! Highlights include a pair of robins. Nuthatches and a Redwing which we assume is on its long journey back to Scandinavia.


As always, thank you for your support, make sure you ask your child what they’ve been learning about and enjoy the Easter holidays.


Thank you!











Friday 28th March 2025 - Year 6 Update
28/03/2025 11:17 AM
Friday 28th March 2025 - Year 6 Update

Year 6 have worked hard this week, completing their final round of SATS papers before the real ones in May. We’ve been delighted with their progress and the positive attitude they’ve shown. With 18 teaching days left, we’ll focus on filling final gaps before the SPAG paper.


Of course, there’s more to school than SATS! This week, pupils wrote non-chronological reports on the hydra from Heracles, wrapped up their Ancient Greece topic, and learned 70s disco moves. The highlight, though, has been bread baking! Photos are on Facebook, and tonight, the children will proudly bring home their creative bread rolls—whatever the shape, colour, or flavour!


Enjoy your weekend.

Y5&6 Swimming Gala - Wildern School
27/03/2025 1:00 PM
Y5&6 Swimming Gala - Wildern School

On Friday 21st March, a team of 8 talented swimmers from Years 5 & 6 competed in the South Eastleigh and Winchester Y5&6 Swimming Gala at Wildern School. Each swimmer gave their all, competing in a mix of individual races and relays across all strokes.


Despite strong competition—including Hampshire County swimmers in several schools—our team was unstoppable, securing 1st place by over 50 points ahead of the runners-up! 


An absolutely incredible achievement—huge congratulations to our swimmers for their dedication, teamwork, and outstanding performances!

School Calendar
Family Information and Services Hub
Hampshire SEND Local Offer
Hampshire CAHMS
Health Advice (For Parents)